Number of Aldi South locations in Germany in 2024

Last updated on July 11, 2024

How many Aldi South locations are there in Germany?

There are 2,034 Aldi South locations in Germany as of July 11, 2024. The federal state with the most number of Aldi South locations in Germany is Bavaria, with 533 locations, which is about 26% of all Aldi South locations in Germany.


How can I download a list of Aldi South locations in Germany into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 2,034 Aldi South locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 7 federal states with the most Aldi South locations


533 (26%)

A location for every 24,653 people, in Bavaria with about 26% of the total number of Aldi South locations

North Rhine-Westphalia

514 (25%)

A location for every 34,875 people, in North Rhine-Westphalia with about 25% of the total number of Aldi South locations


472 (23%)

A location for every 23,523 people, in Baden-Württemberg with about 23% of the total number of Aldi South locations

State Number of locations Population Population per location
Bavaria 533 (26%) 13.14M 24.65K
North Rhine-Westphalia 514 (25%) 17.93M 34.88K
Baden-Württemberg 472 (23%) 11.10M 23.52K
Hesse 237 (12%) 6.29M 26.55K
Rhineland-Palatinate 215 (11%) 4.10M 19.06K
Saarland 62 (3%) 984.00K 15.87K
Thuringia (0%) 2.12M 2.12M

There are Aldi South locations in 7 federal states in Germany

federal states without any Aldi South locations

These federal states do not have any Aldi South locations

  • Berlin
  • Schleswig-Holstein
  • Saxony-Anhalt
  • Saxony
  • Brandenburg
  • Bremen
  • Hamburg
  • Lower Saxony
  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

There are 9 federal states without Aldi South locations in Germany

Cities with the most number of Aldi South locations in Germany

City State Number of Locations
Köln North Rhine-Westphalia 52
München Bavaria 41
Düsseldorf North Rhine-Westphalia 36
Duisburg North Rhine-Westphalia 26
Nürnberg Bavaria 21
Frankfurt Hesse 20
Stuttgart Baden-Württemberg 18
Bonn North Rhine-Westphalia 17
Mönchengladbach North Rhine-Westphalia 16
Mannheim Baden-Württemberg 13

Download the complete database of Aldi South Locations in Germany

You can download the full list of Aldi South locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Aldi Süd Wemdinger Straße 5/7 Wemdinger Straße 5/7 Monheim BY 86653 48.8386139 10.8453016 Wemdinger Straße 5/7, 86653 Monheim Germany 2024-07-11
Aldi Süd Wallbergstraße 20 Wallbergstraße 20 Mering BY 86415 48.2544564 10.9865471 Wallbergstraße 20, 86415 Mering Germany 2024-07-11
Aldi Süd Grünzweigstraße 3 Grünzweigstraße 3 Kissing BY 86438 48.30401 10.9612646 Grünzweigstraße 3, 86438 Kissing Germany 2024-07-11
Aldi Süd Robert-Bosch-Straße 5 Robert-Bosch-Straße 5 Schwabmünchen BY 86830 48.1975363 10.7610972 Robert-Bosch-Straße 5, 86830 Schwabmünchen Germany 2024-07-11
Aldi Süd Pöttmeser Straße 6 Pöttmeser Straße 6 Schrobenhausen BY 86529 48.5635168 11.2566713 Pöttmeser Straße 6, 86529 Schrobenhausen Germany 2024-07-11
Aldi Süd Lechhauser Straße 42 Lechhauser Straße 42 Friedberg BY 86316 48.3624024 10.95706609 Lechhauser Straße 42, 86316 Friedberg Germany 2024-07-11
Aldi Süd Bahnhofstraße 14 Bahnhofstraße 14 Marktoberdorf BY 87616 47.7774826 10.6141847 Bahnhofstraße 14, 87616 Marktoberdorf Germany 2024-07-11
Aldi Süd Oberstdorfer Straße 12 Oberstdorfer Straße 12 Sonthofen BY 87527 47.5090928 10.275315 Oberstdorfer Straße 12, 87527 Sonthofen Germany 2024-07-11
Aldi Süd Oberbrühlstraße 2 Oberbrühlstraße 2 Memmingen BY 87700 47.972285 10.1849525 Oberbrühlstraße 2, 87700 Memmingen Germany 2024-07-11
Aldi Süd Augsburger Straße 62 Augsburger Straße 62 Landsberg BY 86899 48.0630959 10.86688314 Augsburger Straße 62, 86899 Landsberg Germany 2024-07-11

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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